The New Zealand Cavy Council

National Show Rules

1: All financial members of the New Zealand Cavy Council are eligible to enter the New Zealand National Cavy Show provided  they are a current financial member of any New Zealand Cavy Council affiliated club.

2: All members are eligible to enter the pet section, if one is included, but not with an exhibit already entered in the ALL BREEDS SECTION.

3: No LATE ENTRIES, ALTERATIONS, or SUBSTITUTIONS will be accepted. No money will be refunded for withdrawals.

4: All monies should be made out to the Host club.

5Cavies to be entered using the official New Zealand Cavy Council schedule, At the National Show a class must be provided for each official New Zealand Cavy Council  Breed.

6: All cavies entered in a National Show must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor.

7: Cavies are to be entered according to their exact date of birth. The day a cavy reaches 5 months of age it must be exhibited in either the 5/9 months or adult classes. Similarly the day a cavy reaches 9 months of age it must be exhibited in the adult class.

8: All exhibitors entering cavies in the National Show Champion and Grand Champion classes are to supply a

Photocopy of said cavy's New Zealand Cavy Council certificate at time of entry. (Club certificates issued pre April 2015 also accepted)

9. The Host club will provide complete and correct National Show results within 60 days after the National Show to the Council Secretary.

10. The New Zealand Cavy Council will grant a sum of money to the Host club, the sum granted may be reviewed at any time at the discretion of the New Zealand Cavy Council committee.

11: The Host club will take every care but will not be held responsible for injuries or loss occurring before, during or after the show.

12.  The Host club shall engage a minimum of two Judges for the National Show. This appointment shall remain at the discretion of the Host Club. National Show Judges must be all-breed judges, selected from the New Zealand Cavy Council list of approved judges, or overseas Judges who are fully qualified and are currently approved by a governing body in their own country.

13.  A Novice Class will be held at the national show: A Novice is considered to be an exhibitor who is exhibiting at the National Show for the first time and is present to handle the animal. (eg. Not an exhibitor who has shown under a family/partnership in the past and is now showing as an individual for the first time; or someone whose animals have been exhibited in the past but they themselves were not present).

I. The Novice Class will be separate from the scheduled Breed Classes.

II. A Judge nominated by the Host club, who is not officiating in judging the Breed Classes, will judge the Novice Class.

III. The Judge officiating the Novice Class will be eligible to enter cavies in the Breed Classes.

IV. The Novice will advise  eligibility and intent to enter the Novice Class on the official entry form, stating  

Name and variety of cavy nominated.

V. Only one cavy  per exhibitor shall be nominated for entry in the Novice Class.

VI. The cavy nominated for the Novice Class must also be entered in the main show Breed Class (eg. It must conform to a standard recognised by the New Zealand Cavy Council.)

VII. The nominated cavy must be owned and exhibited by the novice exhibitor.

IX. The Host Club will be responsible for the administration of the Novice Class.

14 .A junior exhibitor class must be held at the National show.   A junior exhibitor must be 16 years of age or under on the day of the National show and must be present exhibiting their animal

15: All longhair and Merino exhibits are to be shown on either a platform or board suited to both the size of the cavy and the length of the coat. One board per cavy. Wrappers may be replaced after judging.

16:N.Z. Plumes may also be shown on a board.  

17: All cavies entered in the National show must weigh at least 500gm AND be a minimum of 3 months of age, fit and healthy.

At a National Cavies entered under the age of 5 months shall be weighed on the day, by the Show manager.

18: All cavies must be clean and lice free, in good health, and not pregnant. Any Health issues to be confirmed

with the officiating National Show Judges and Show Manager before the entry is disqualified.

19: Probationary judging will not take place at National Cavy show.        

20: In show awards will be decided by all of the officiating judges.

(A) The order of judging to be as follows: Breed, Group, In Show

(B) Only Best of Groups with a group point to be eligible for the Best In Show awards.

The Reserve in Group to the Best in Show Winner may be considered for Reserve Best In Show.

21: Cavies purchased from any judge may not be shown under that judge until 3 months have passed from time of purchase.

22: Stewards, and exhibitors must make no signs or comments while cavies are being judged.

23: If an exhibitor feels he/she has grounds for an appeal, then said appeal must be lodged in writing with the

Show manager no later than one (1) hour after the conclusion of judging. Appeals to be accompanied by $20.00.

24: Where a pet show is provided at a National Show, the exhibitor receiving the National show trophy for Best Pet in Show pay a cup fee when taking the trophy, if not already entered in the Purebred section of the National Show.

25: All National Show trophies to be returned to the Trophy Steward of the next host club by the date National show entries close (Not Postdate).-(Or at the discretion of the Host club trophy steward).  Exhibitors will be refused entry on show day until all outstanding trophies are returned.

26: All studs entering the National show must be approved and registered with the New Zealand Cavy Council.

27: Any Cavy entered in the National show with a stud prefix must be bred by a New Zealand Cavy Council Registered stud, or an overseas stud recognized by their governing body.

Schedule of classes for the New Zealand Cavy Council National Show
Breed Classes

Class 1                  Self

Class 2                  Crested

Class 3                  Ticked

Class 4                  Rough coat

Class 5                  Marked

Class6                   Satin

Class 7                  Longcoat

Other Classes

Class 8                  Unstandardised

Class 9                  Novice exhibitor

Class 10                Junior Exhibitor

Class 11                Champion

Class 12                Grand Champion

Class 13                Supreme Champion

© Copyright New Zealand Cavy Council